martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Voice thread "Where i come from".

The poem is written by Nicole Dons Blaedel and Guadalupe Lazaro.
The backround music is "Welcome home" from Radical Face.

Audio Casa Rosada

En este audio se escucha al presidente Alfonsín en 1987 dando un discurso en los balcones de la Casa Rosada. Este fue uno de los discursos más recordados en la historia de la presidencia Argentina.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Where I come from

In literature with our teacher we were analyzing a poem called "Where I come from" by Elizabeth Brewster, and then in groups of two we responded writing our poem.

Where I come from all the people have a history
They all carry a story that is worthy to tell
The green heart of the city blowed by the hot air of summer
Where I come from the squares are the place of the tiny jewels.
It's hard for someone to leave this place
It's is hard for someone to go away
Where I come from your past follows you, 
your present stays and ,
you future waits away.